Teague-McKevett Ranch (East Area 1) EIR, Santa Paula. SBRA prepared the historic resources section of an EIR evaluating a proposed residential and commercial development on a citrus ranch covering over 500 acres. Historic resources documented included a packing house, barn, pump house, sheds, agricultural landscape, irrigation features, and residences constructed between 1905 and 1923. [City of Santa Paula, 2007] Download Report (PDF)

California Institute of Technology Master Plan Revision, Pasadena. Historic resources technical report associated with the EIR for the amendment of the Master Plan revision for the campus. Involved the review and evaluation of modern-era buildings, development of historic context within the project area, evaluation of eligibility in accordance with local, state and Federal criteria, determination of impacts and development of a mitigation program. [City of Pasadena, 2005]

Coral Casino EIR, Montecito. SBRA provided direct support to the County of Santa Barbara on the completion of an environmental analysis in connection with new construction related to a designated County Landmark, a private club constructed in Montecito in 1937. The analysis required an extensive discussion of the project’s impacts in terms of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation as well as the development of a mitigation program, the analysis of project alternatives and responding to extensive and detailed public comment. [County of Santa Barbara, 2005]

Ventura Avenue Water Treatment Plant EIR/EIS, Ventura. SBRA prepared an historic resources analysis for CEQA and Section 106 compliance in connection with the modernization of the City of Ventura’s water treatment plant. Facilities evaluated included the treatment plant, administration building, basins, a dam and surface diversion, and reservoirs constructed from the 1880s through the 1970s. SBRA directed the fulfillment of the mitigation program adopted in connection with the environmental documents, including documentation and the development of an interpretative plan. [City of Ventura, 2003] Download Report (PDF)

Azusa Pacific University Specific Plan EIR. Historic resources technical report prepared in conjunction with the master plan for the expansion of a private university. Required a comprehensive inventory of potentially historic buildings, development of detailed historic context within the project area, evaluation of eligibility in accordance with local, state and Federal criteria, determination of impacts and development of a mitigation program. [City of Azusa, 2004]

Environmental ImPACT REports

Glendale Town Center EIR Historic Resources Evaluation, Glendale. Technical report prepared in connection with the construction of a 475,000 square foot retail-commercial and 338 residential dwelling unit mixed-use project on 15.5 acres in an urban downtown setting. Required a comprehensive inventory of potentially historic buildings, development of detailed historic context, evaluation of eligibility in accordance with local, state and Federal criteria, determination of impacts and development of a mitigation program. [City of Glendale, 2003]

Raymond Theater EIR, Pasadena. Historic resources technical report for the proposed alteration of a disused historic theater for a commercial-residential project. The project alternatives section of this EIR included the evaluation of several adaptive reuse projects that would result in a significantly higher level of preservation of the historic resource. Restoring the building for use as a theater and the mandated “no project” alternative were evaluated. This complex alternatives discussion was supported by an economic feasibility analysis. [City of Pasadena, 2000]

Santa Barbara Airport Master Plan EIR, Santa Barbara. Historic Resources Evaluation in connection with the development of the airport master plan EIR/S. Comprehensive inventory of potentially historic buildings, development of detailed historic context, evaluation of eligibility in accordance with local, state and Federal criteria, determination of impacts and development of mitigation program. [City of Santa Barbara, 1995]

CEQA Historic Resources Report, East Gateway Project EIR, Santa Paula. [City of Santa Paula, 2011]

Section 106 and CEQA Historic Resources Report, Compton Brickyard Specific Plan EIR/S. [City of Compton, 2011]

Cavaletto Ranch EIR, Goleta. [County of Santa Barbara, 2010]

Historic Resources Report, El Segundo Aquatics Site Feasibility Alternatives EIR, El Segundo. [City of El Segundo, 2010]

St. Monica Church Campus Enhancement Project EIR, 725 California Avenue, Santa Monica. [City of Santa Monica, 2009]

Beverly Hills Gateway Project EIR, Beverly Hills. [City of Beverly Hills, 2008-12]

Lincoln II So. Elementary School EIR, San Bernardino. [San Bernardino City Unified School District, 2005]

Historic Resources Report, Arrowhead Springs Hotel EIR, San Bernardino. [City of San Bernardino, 2005] Download Report (PDF)

Anokia EIR, Arcadia. [City of Arcadia, 1999]